Processor and Supplier Members shall have all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of membership
Corporations, partnerships, or other types of business enterprises are eligible for Processor Membership if they manufacture products from polyurethane elastomers, and a majority of their net sales from activities relating to polyurethane elastomers are derived from such manufacturing.
Processor Membership Dues: $825
Corporations, partnerships, or other types of business enterprises are eligible for Supplier Membership if a majority their net sales from activities relating to polyurethane elastomers is derived from one of the following activities:
Supplier Membership Dues:
Corporations, partnerships, or other types of business enterprises are eligible for Service Supplier Membership if a majority their net sales from activities relating to polyurethane elastomers is derived from rendering services such as consulting, publishing, laboratory or testing services; education or research services or other services to the polyurethane elastomers industry.
Service Supplier Membership Dues:
Persons currently within the academic community who have been approved by the Board of Directors to become Academic Members of the Association are eligible for Academic Membership. Academic Members shall have all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of membership except the right to hold office and vote.
Academic Membership Dues: $165
Persons who desire to either remain or become active in the Association, who are in a position to assist the Association in achieving its goals, and who are approved annually by the Board are eligible for Associate Membership; provided they are not employed, full-time, with a General Member at the time they become Associate Members. Associate Members shall have all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of membership except the right to hold office and vote unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors.
Associate Membership Dues: $55
Persons who by virtue of their prolonged and distinguished service and contributions to the Association, to the polyurethane elastomers industry, or both who are no longer employed by a General Member of the Association are eligible for Honorary Membership.
Candidates for Honorary Membership must be nominated by a General Member and shall pay no membership dues. The rights, privileges, and responsibilities of Honorary Members shall be determined by the Board of Directors.