Call for Speakers

Apply today to speak at the 2024 PMA Anual Meeting!

Selected speakers will receive FREE registration to the Annual Meeting!

The Annual Meeting Co-Chairs, Ryan Anderson and Christina Tarola, are looking to expand the variety of discussion topics to appeal to a wider audience at the 2024 PMA Annual Meeting in Henderson, Nevada, to bring more value to this years’ experience.

Proposed Topics Target Audiences
  •   Sales and Marketing
  •   Operations/Engineering/Production
  •   Leadership (ie: Work Culture, Hiring, Employee Retention)
  •   GAAP/Finance
  •   Sales Team
  •   Production/Operators
  •   Management/Human Resources
  •   Chief Financial Officer/Accounting
Breakout session content is being organized into tracks this year:
  • Track 1: EHS/Regulatory/Legal/E&E/EPA
  • Track 2: Sales/Marketing
  • Track 3: Operations/Engineering/Production
The proposed 45-minute sessions will be presented in the morning and afternoon on Monday (after the general business session), and on Tuesday morning:
  • Time 1: 11:00 am on Monday
  • Time 2: 12:45 am on Monday
  • Time 3: 11:00 am on Tuesday

We are seeking PMA members who are experts in their field to share their knowledge and expertise with our membership during these time slots. If you and your team have had success in a topic related to one of these tracks, and are interested in speaking on the topic, submit your application for consideration today!

Submissions are due Friday, September 1, 2023. 

2024 Speaker Submission Form

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