
Webinar: What the Heck is TSCA and Why Should I Care?

Take advantage of this exclusive member benefit and join us for the next Wednesday Webinar! 

August 23rd at 2:00pm EST

What the Heck is TSCA and Why Should I Care? | Presented by Dan Culbertson, Omni Tehnologies

As business owners and operators we’re faced each and every day with a list of decisions and objectives that only WE can take care of. Questions like these all compete for our attention: Should I hire another sales person?; How do we gain control of our expenses?; How recession proof is my business? With all of these seemingly urgent issues facing us on a daily basis, it is increasingly difficult to make the case to spend time or energy on issues that don’t seem nearly as urgent.  

TSCA (Toxic Substance Control Act) is a prime example of one of these non-urgent but increasingly important issues that needs our attention as business owners. Trying to make heads-or-tails of what TSCA means for our business requires the ability to speak in the foreign language in which government regulations seem to be written.  

In this presentation you will hear what TSCA holds in store for you as a business owner or operator, what the PMA is doing on behalf of its members, and how you can position yourself to minimize the impact that this long standing (but ever changing) legislation can have on your business.

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